Views on Consumerism
Shop owners, consumers, politicians, spokespeople and Russell Brand all have views on consumerism.
Russell Brand on Consumerism
The stand-up comedian and actor Russell Brand is often outspoken and champions several causes having strong views expressed in a very animated, energetic manner such as discussing consumerism in his interview on BBC’s Newsnight with Jeremy Paxman.
“We should try to examine the things that we’re using to make us happy…this pursuit of celebrity, of wealth, of status… this consuming
of products, this ignorance towards ecological and economical matters… and try and aspire to something more beautiful, more truthful and honest.” Russell Brand, BBC Newsnight.
In the course of the interview with Jeremy Paxman Russell Brand highlights the culture of purchasing endless brands and the use of
“celebrities’ to endorse/market products to entice consumers to purchase a product or service “…if there are two aftershaves on a shelf and one has Robert Downey Jnr’s face on it that might be an appealing aspect to me” Russell Brand, BBC Newsnight. Russell stated that “I think we should try to examine the things that we are using to make us happy this pursuit of celebrity, of wealth, of status, this consuming of products, this ignorance towards ecological and economical matters… and try and aspire to something more beautiful, something more truthful and honest.” Russell Brand, BBC Newsnight.
Branding and consumerism – a different idea
Russell’s expressed his view “Perhaps if we were all in tune with more beautiful things, perhaps it would not prioritise such peculiar
ideas and notions, and perhaps if we can popularise, through the techniques of branding and consumerism a different idea, a different narrative perhaps the world can change after all it changes constantly and incisively just that the perceptions that we have are governed by people with er, with self interest, which are not in alignment with the health and safety of us as individuals or as a planet…..” Russell Brand, BBC Newsnight.
The High Street is an ever changing environment with the culture of celebrity, brands and the pursuit of happiness a subject that shop and brand owners are always endeavouring to understand in the development of their products and services.
The full interview can be found on the website